URINETOWN Audition Registration

To register for the URINETOWN auditions, please do the following:

  • Select a preferred audition time block. There are four hour-long blocks (10 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM and 2 PM) on Saturday, September 21st and three hour-long blocks (7 PM, 8 PM and 9 PM) on Sunday, September 22nd. If a block has already filled up, it will be disabled.
  • Select an alternate time block that you are able to attend. Almost everyone should receive their preferred time block. You will receive your alternate time block only if your preferred block fills up simultaneously with your submission (this should be a relatively rare occurrence).
  • IMPORTANT: You must be available at the theater for the entire hour-long block that you request.
  • Fill out the registration form (personal information, role interests, skills and conflicts) below as completely as possible and press CLICK TO REGISTER at the bottom of the form. You should then get a registration confirmation page which will include a listing of all of the information you entered for your review.
  • With respect to conflicts, please do your best in estimating what conflicts you may have. You will have another opportunity to fill out a more detailed conflict form at the auditions.
  • You will receive an email confirming your audition and time block selection within 24 hours.
  • If you need to contact us, please do so by email at auditions (at) landmarkmusicals (dot) com.
  • After registering, please email us (see above for address) with your resume and a current headshot.
    • Please submit your resume as a .pdf, .doc/.docx or .txt file. Word processing files other than Microsoft Word (such as Pages) are not convertable by us so please convert to text or pdf yourself.
    • Please submit your headshot as a cropped and scaled .jpg or .png file that is 1000 pixels (height) x 800 pixels (width). If you submit it in any other size or format, we will scale, crop and convert it as necessary.
  • If you need to make corrections after submitting your registration, you have three options:
    • If you are still in the confirmation page, you may press your browser's BACK button and modify your registration information (which should still be visible in your browser). Resubmit the form as you did with the original.
    • If you have left the confirmation page and/or browser, you may go to the registration page and fill it out all over again completely (with modified information) and resubmit it. We will only retain the last version of the registration form that you submit so please fill it out completely if you are resubmitting it in this way.
    • If you prefer, you may email us (see above for address) with the changes you want to make and we will modify the form for you.
Audition Scheduling
Choose your preferred audition block (required) September 21     10 am    11 am    1 pm    2 pm   
September 22    7 pm      8 pm    9 pm   
Not available for either audition date   
Choose your alternate audition block September 21     10 am    11 am    1 pm    2 pm   
September 22    7 pm      8 pm    9 pm   

Personal Information
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
City (required)
Email (required)
Phone Number (required)
Alternate Phone
Eye Color
Hair Color
Playable Ethnicities
Playable Age Range

Role Interest
Please check the role(s) that you are interested in:
Bobby Strong (Lead, Tenor)
The rebellious everyman/hero who works at the poorest, filthiest public urinal in town
Hope Cladwell (Lead, Soprano)
An innocent, romantic optimist and daughter of Caldwell B. Cladwell who falls in love with Bobby
Caldwell B. Cladwell (Lead, Baritone)
President of UGC and a greedy tyrant who gleefully exploits the poor
Officer Lockstock (Lead, Baritone)
A corrupt policeman and the tongue-in-cheek narrator of the whole show
Penelope Pennywise (Lead, Mezzo)
The tough, jaded warden of the poorest, filthiest public urinal in town
Little Sally (Lead, Mezzo)
A precocious, irreverent street urchin who often questions Lockstock and the play's logic
Officer Barrel (Featured)
Lockstock's sidekick, an aggressive and impulsive partner with a secret!
Senator Fipp (Featured)
A corrupt politician who tries to hide all his crimes (really? politicians do this?!!)
Mr. McQueen (Featured)
Cladwell’s sycophantic lackey... an over-the-top flamboyant character
Ms. Millenium (Featured)
Cladwell's assistant who aspires to be his favorite employee
Joseph "Old Man" Strong (Featured)
Bobby's rebellious father won't pay the "pee" fee and is sent to Urinetown starting the revolution
Josephine "Ma" Strong (Featured)
Bobby's strong-willed mother who supports both of her "boys", Joseph and Bobby
Little Becky Two-shoes (Featured)
One of the poor, she is foul-mouthed, implusive and accusatory
Hot Blades Harry (Featured)
One of the poor, he is a violent, crazy psychopath
The ensemble will double as rich employees of UGC, poor street people and cops

Will you accept any role offered? (required) Yes Maybe No
Will you consider an alternate gender role? (required) Yes Maybe No

Music Skills
Vocal range (required) Soprano Mezzo Alto Tenor Baritone Bass Unknown
Can you read music? Please indicate skill (0=none, 5=excellent) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Can you sightread? Please indicate skill (0=none, 5=excellent) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Can you sing harmony? Please indicate skill (0=none, 5=excellent) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Vocal experience (years) Pop/Rock Folk Choral Operatic Theatrical
Please list instruments you can play and describe your experience

Dance Skills
Dance experience (years) Tap Jazz Ballet Modern Hip-hop Broadway
Please describe your dance skills and experience

Callback Conflicts (required) Are you available Wednesday, September 25 from 7 PM to 11 PM? Yes No
Are you available Saturday, September 28 from 10 AM to 2 PM? Yes No
Are you available Saturday, September 28 from 1 PM to 5 PM? Yes No

Each checkbox represents one hour on a given day of the week. 9 AM to 6 PM Monday-Friday are "N/A" as there will not be rehearsals or performances during those times so conflicts are not needed. Please check all boxes where you know or suspect you will have an ongoing conflict during a significant part or all of the rehearsal and performance periods (December 2019 - March 2020). For instance, if you normally work most Wednesday evenings from 6 PM to 9 PM, please check the three boxes under Wednesday for 6 PM, 7 PM and 8 PM.

Time Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
9 am N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
10 am N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
11 am N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Noon N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
1 pm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 pm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
3 pm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 pm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
5 pm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
6 pm
7 pm
8 pm
9 pm
10 pm
11 pm
Specific Conflicts

Please list any significant specific conflicts that you know or suspect you will have during rehearsals or performances. Indicate the date and if possible, the time that you will not be available. If you need more room, when you email us with your resume and headshot, please include any additional conflicts.