YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN Audition Registration

First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
City (required)
Email (required)
Phone Number (required)
Alternate Phone
Eye Color
Hair Color
Playable Ethnicities
Playable Age Range
Compensation Option (required) I am willing to perform in this production strictly as a volunteer.
I need to be paid but I will donate back % of my net pay.
I need to be paid for all performances.
I am 18+ (required)  Yes    No
Link (url) to your video audition
CLICK HERE to upload your resume and headshot...

CLICK HERE for information on specific roles...
Please check the role(s) that you are interested in:
Charlie Brown
Sally Brown
Lucy Van Pelt
Linus Van Pelt
Frieda (Optional Ensemble)
Peppermint Patty (Optional Ensemble)
Shermy (Optional Ensemble)
Franklin (Optional Ensemble, African-American ethnicity only)
Will you accept any role offered? (required) Yes Maybe No
Will you consider an alternate gender role? (required) Yes Maybe No
If you are not cast as a principal, will you consider an understudy/swing role? (required) Yes Maybe No

Vocal range (required) Soprano Mezzo Alto Tenor Baritone Bass Unknown
Can you read music? Please indicate skill (0=none, 5=excellent) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Can you sight read? Please indicate skill (0=none, 5=excellent) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Can you sing harmony? Please indicate skill (0=none, 5=excellent) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Please describe your vocal skills and years of experience.
Please describe your dance skills and years of experience.
Please list instruments you play and years of experience.


AUDITIONS: December 19-21
Our callback audition date is Sunday, December 19 from 6 PM to 11 PM. However, we may need an additional callback audition and that would either be on Monday, December 20 or Tuesday, December 21. Please indicate any conflicts you have for those dates.

REHEARSALS: Jan. 3 - Feb. 3 and Feb. 16
These are dates we on which we MAY schedule rehearsals. We will not use all of those dates but we will not schedule rehearsals on any of the other dates in that range. We will create our rehearsal schedule based on conflicts that are given to us at registration or auditions. You are expected to be available for all dates which you do not indicate are a conflict in advance. Please check each box when you are NOT available for the entire rehearsal period (whether you need to miss the entire rehearsal or only part of it, i.e., you need to be late by 1/2 an hour). If you have a partial conflict for some dates, check those boxes but also note the specific time(s) when you are not available in the comment box below.

TECH WEEK: February 5-10
All tech week rehearsals are scheduled from 6 PM to midnight on weeknights and potentially up to 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday, between 10 AM and 11PM. Special arrangements will be made for people who need to leave early to make transit connections. Please check all days during tech week when you have ANY conflict and provide detailed information in the comment box below.

PERFORMANCES: February 11 - March 27
There will be performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings (typically with curtain at 8 PM but times may vary) and on Sunday afternoon (typically with curtain at 3 PM but times may vary). Cast will typically be called an hour prior to curtain (but call times may also vary). Please indicate all dates that you would have any conflict for the time range shown and provide details in the comment box below.

Click the checkbox for any date where you have a known or expected conflict with any part of the time range shown. When you click, the box background will turn red so you can see the conflicts you've checked. If you unclick, the box will return to its original color. Please provide specific details in the comment box below.

SunMonTueWed ThuFriSat
19202122 232425
6p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p
26272829 3031Jan 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p
9 101112 131415
1p - 6p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p
16 171819 202122
1p - 6p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p
23 242526 272829
1p - 6p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p
Jan 30 Jan 3112 345
1p - 6p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p 7p - 11p 10a - 11p
6 789 101112
10a - 11p 6p - mid 6p - mid 6p - mid 6p - 11p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p
13141516 171819
1p - 6p 7p - 11p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p
20212223 242526
1p - 6p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p
Feb 27Feb 2812 345
1p - 6p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p
6789 101112
1p - 6p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p
13141516 171819
1p - 6p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p
20212223 242526
1p - 6p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p 6p - 11p
27282930 31
1p - 6p
Conflict Comments

Please list any significant specific conflicts that you know or suspect you will have during rehearsals or performances. Indicate the date and if possible, the time that you will not be available. If you need more room, when you email us with your resume and headshot, please include any additional conflicts.