Audition Information

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    Book by Thomas Meehan
    Music by Charles Strouse
    Lyrics by Martin Charnin
    Directed by Jon Rosen
    Choreography by Elizabeth Rislove Etler
    Music and Vocal Direction by Christopher Hewitt
    Produced by Jon Rosen and Landmark Musical Theatre
    Presented by special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI)


    All the ingredients that made the award-winning musical ANNIE so successful are here once again in ANNIE WARBUCKS, with an old-fashioned romance thrown in for good measure! Tony Award winners Thomas Meehan, Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin return with all new laughs, intrigue and unforgettable songs.

    The action picks up right where ANNIE leaves off with the popular finale song A New Deal For Christmas, when Child Welfare Commissioner Harriet Doyle arrives on the scene to inform Daddy Warbucks that he must marry within 60 days so that the newly adopted Annie can have a proper mother. In the end, Daddy Warbucks' whirlwind search for a fitting bride uncovers not only a plot by Doyle and her daughter to strip him of his fortune, but also his true feelings for his assistant Grace Farrell.

    ANNIE WARBUCKS, a truly family-friendly musical, is a wonderful opportunity to participate in Landmark's “AAHA” season, with roles for actors aged 8 to 80!

  • For individual character information, please click here.

  • In-person Auditions:
    Saturday, January 7, 2023 (10 AM - 4 PM)
    Sunday, January 8, 2023 (7 PM - 10 PM)

    Video Auditions:
    Submission by Sunday, January 8, 2023

    Saturday, January 14, 2023 (Noon - 4 PM)

    Principal Rehearsals:
    January 16, 2023 - March 2, 2023 (Sunday 6-10 PM, Mon-Thu 7-11 PM)

    Tech Week Rehearsals:
    March 4-10, 2023

    Public Performances:
    March 11, 2023 - April 9, 2023 (Thu/Fri/Sat 7:30 PM, Sun 2:30 PM, with possible additional Saturday matinees and Wednesday evenings added)

    533 Sutter Street, 2nd Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94102

    The theatre is conveniently located in downtown San Francisco on Sutter Street near Union Square between Powell and Mason. It is very close to parking (Stockton-Sutter Garage) and public transit (four blocks from the Powell Street Muni/BART station).

  • As with the original ANNIE, ANNIE WARBUCKS includes the title character of Little Orphan Annie (except she's not an orphan anymore) as well as a group of young girls from the orphanage where Annie was found. In addition, when Annie runs away in Act 2, she befriends young CJ Paterson, who may be cast as either a boy or girl. Annie, the orphans and CJ will be cast principally with actors between the ages of 10 and 14. Depending on an actor's playable age range, maturity and ability, we may extend the age range to 8-16. We can not consider anyone under the age of 8.

    All parents of youth actors (those under 18) must commit to being present at all rehearsals and performances, or must arrange to have a specified adult guardian to act on their behalf. Groups of parents may agree to be mutually responsible for each other's children in order to share that responsibility and reduce each parent's need to be present at all rehearsals and performances. Such agreements must be registered with the company. This requirement is to insure that there will always be a responsible adult able and willing to monitor and protect the interests of each underage performer.

    Youth actors must audition in person (no video auditions will be accepted). No exceptions, please!

    Youth auditions are competitive. We do not guarantee anyone a part. There is no stipend available for youth actors. However, there is also no registration or participation fee of any kind to audition, or if you are cast in this production.

  • Initial auditions are being held by registration only on Saturday, January 7th from 10 AM to 4 PM and Sunday, January 8th from 7 PM to 10 PM. You must either:

    • Book a single one-hour in-person audition slot on either day; or

    • Submit an audition video for consideration.

    Whether you plan to audition in person (recommended) or by video, please register by clicking here or clicking the red button at the top of this page.

    All registrants must upload a resume in .pdf format and a headshot in .jpg or .png format. Registrants submitting a video audition must also supply a link (full URL) to a video audition hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, a personal website, etc. See sections below for details on submitting resumes, headshots and video auditions.

  • Please submit your resume as a .pdf file ONLY. We can not easily convert most word processing files so please convert your file to a .pdf yourself. This is typically easy to do in most software by printing the page(s) and selecting a .pdf output file from the print menu. Virtually all word processing programs today offer this option.

    IMPORTANT! If at all possible, please include your full name and the word “resume” in the filename of your resume. You may also include the name or part of the name of the show.

    Example: lisa-smith-resume-annie-warbucks.pdf

  • Please submit your headshot as a color .jpg or .png file. If at all possible, format the headshot so that it is 800 pixels wide by 1000 pixels high (4:5 aspect ratio). If you submit your headshot in a different size or aspect ratio, we will need to reformat it and this may alter the way your headshot looks.

    IMPORTANT! If at all possible, please include your full name and the word “headshot” in the filename of your resume. You may also include the name or part of the name of the show.

    Example: lisa-smith-headshot-annie-warbucks.jpg

  • If you are auditioning by video, you must supply a link (full URL) to an audition video hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, a personal website, etc. This video should be between 2 and 3 minutes long. The video may be recorded on any video camera including a cellphone.

    Video auditions should consist of:

    • A "slate" introducing yourself (full name please) and stating what song you will be singing for your audition

    • A short song selection (32-64 bars) in the style of one of the songs from ANNIE or ANNIE WARBUCKS (but preferably NOT from either show); you may sing a cappella if you wish, but accompaniment of some kind is greatly preferred. If you do not have an accompanist, you can use a karaoke track which can be found on various sound and video websites such as YouTube.

    • A dance audition using the steps shown in the illustrative dance video which can be found by clicking here.

    It is NOT necessary that your audition video be "professionally" recorded. We are interested in the quality of your performance, not the quality of your camera and sound equipment.

  • If you are reserving a one-hour audition slot for an in-person audition, please come prepared to:

    • Sing 32-64 bars of a song of your choice in the style of songs from the shows ANNIE or ANNIE WARBUCKS (but preferably not a song from either show). Please bring sheet music in your key. We will provide an accompanist. If you do not have sheet music, you may bring an .mp3 karaoke track (i.e., no vocals), but auditioning with sheet music is strongly preferred. Your track can be supplied on a USB “stick” or emailed to A cappella auditions (singing without backing music) are not permitted.

    • Learn a short dance routine which will be taught at the auditions by our choreographer. Come prepared to dance with appropriate clothing and shoes. There are changing rooms you can use at the theater. The routine is the same as the one for the audition video. You can familiarize yourself with it in advance by viewing it here.

  • Callbacks will be held on Saturday, January 14th, from noon to 4 PM. Please be sure to answer the question in the registration form whether or not you are available for callbacks. If you are not available, we may still wish to consider you based solely on your audition, so please consider registering even if you are not available for callbacks.

    Callbacks will consist of:

    • Script selections from the libretto of ANNIE WARBUCKS

    • Song selections (solo and ensemble) from the score of ANNIE WARBUCKS

    Scripts and sheet music material for callbacks will be available in .pdf form. Music selections will also be available in .mp3 format. Song selections will be available in printable sheet music form (.pdf) as well as .mp3 audio tracks.

    All callback material will be available by clicking here.

  • Rehearsals prior to tech week will be scheduled Sunday-Thursday between 7 PM and 11 PM, but typically only three hours, exact times to be determined based on actor and staff conflicts. You will almost certainly NOT be called for all rehearsals (the specific schedule will be worked out after conflicts of all actors who are cast are considered), but you should expect to be available for at least 75% or more of those dates.

    Tech week rehearsals may be long. Typically Saturday and/or Sunday run long (up to 9 hours) and lunch or dinner is provided by Landmark. Monday through Friday of tech week can run from 6 PM through midnight (although we try hard to not run that long). Please be prepared, particularly with transportation, to have late nights during tech week.

    Youth performer rehearsals will typically not run past 9:30 PM on school nights except during tech week (10:30 PM during tech week).

  • We always do our best to accommodate conflicts. Please fill out the conflicts section on the registration page as completely as possible. We can be somewhat flexible with General Rehearsal conflicts, but please understand that conflicts during Tech Week or Performances will almost certainly make it difficult to cast you in a significant role. However, please feel free to submit even if you have some conflicts, and make sure your conflict calendar is accurate. We will consider you if at all possible.

  • Actors of all ethnicities, genders, abilities, body types and orientations are encouraged to register and audition, and will be considered for all roles. Landmark now engages a diversity consultant at our auditions to help the directing staff make the best decisions possible regarding diversity, equity and inclusion.

  • The company will monitor County and City of San Francisco health requirements, as well as CDC and State of California guidelines, and will adapt as necessary during this time of ongoing change. Current requirements include:

    • Full Covid-19 vaccination and eligible boosting is mandatory for all actors and staff (proof of vaccination is required at your first in-person callback or rehearsal unless such proof has already been registered at a previous audition).

    • Masks are still required at all times in the theater except while actually auditioning, rehearsing or performing. This is intended to increase the safety of all performers.

    • Social distancing is highly encouraged.

    • Antigen testing, when considered necessary and appropriate, will be conducted at the company's expense.

    Please read the detailed Landmark safety requirements which can be found here.

  • This production will operate under a "volunteer + expense stipend" plan for all adult performers. Youth performers operate under a strict volunteer agreement (however, although youth performers are not offered a stipend, they are also not charged any fee for auditioning or for participation in the production).

    Cast members must sign a Volunteer agreement for the production period including rehearsals and performances. There are three elements of compensation:

    • A $575 stipend for expense reimbursement which will be paid on the final day of performances.

    • Participation in an actors' bonus pool of 20% of ticket sales exceeding $50,000 (a nominal budgetary break-even point) to be split between all actors on a pro-rata basis. If any bonus is available, it will be paid within two weeks of the final day of performances.

    • A five percent (5%) commission on all tickets sold using the actor's personal promotion code. Any commissions owed will be paid within two weeks of the final day of performances.

  • We are sorry but there are no Equity contracts available for this production. As an occasional AEA contracting organization, we are prohibited from employing any AEA members in our productions which are not covered by an AEA contract. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.